Résultats de recherche pour ukraine war war in ukraine ukraine war russian invasion of ukraine ukraine war more bit.ly/war-in-ukraine-news-live, page 1 sur 4

Type de contenu
  1. Artificial Intelligence in Pathology

    Key features of the course This course is part of the current boom in the field of artificial intelligence principles of human tissue analysis and become familiar with the methods of computational analysis of histological participate in the design of studies using artificial intelligence methods for the analysis of digital histological steps involved in the preparation of tissue sections - Understand the general principles of human tissue steps involved in the preparation of tissue sections - Understand the general principles of human tissue Artificial Intelligence in Pathology

  2. Inter-University Diploma in Minimally-Invasive and Robotic Techniques in Oncologic Digestive Surgery

    their knowledge in the field of minimally invasive techniques Certification of competences in minimally invasive for the different techniques of minimally invasive surgery in the field of oncologic and emergency digestive semester of internship Teaching training 4 Teaching Modules on LIVE STREAMING for 18 hours of lectures digestive surgery Providing a critical appraisal of the literature in oncologic digestive MIS Appling the up-to-date digestive surgeons and residents as the majority of public and private hospitals are nowadays equipped Program in English - Nicola de Angelis - UPEC Henri Mondor - Olivier Scatton- Sorbonne Université Hôpital Diploma Linkedin ART University Diploma WORLD SOCIETY OF EMERGENCY SURGERY French version Inter-University Diploma in Minimally-Invasive and Robotic Techniques in Oncologic Digestive Surgery

  3. EUR Live : l'activité scientifique

    Live Trajectories and Health Vulnerabilty research placed in one of the most vulnerable areas of Paris's south-east. LIVE works under three pillars Health EUR-LIVE presentation This video presents LIVE an innovative international graduate school of research impact ageing. The video is part of the multimedia tools of the LIVE graduate school. For further information Find out in this video scientific information regarding - The impact of the COVID pandemic in mortality system and ageing. The video is part of the multimedia tools of the LIVE graduate school. For further information vidéos concernant l'activité scientifique de l'EUR Live EUR Live : l'activité scientifique

  4. Cristo News Santé n°12 - juin 2023

    Cristo News Santé n°12 - juin 2023

  5. Cristo News Santé n°15 - avril 2024

    Cristo News Santé n°15 - avril 2024

  6. Cristo News Santé n°11 - mars 2023

    Cristo News Santé n°11 - mars 2023

  7. Cristo News Santé n°10 - décembre 2022

    Ce mot qui ouvre classiquement Cristo News revêt pour moi un caractère particulier c est le dernier de Cristo News Santé n°10 - décembre 2022

  8. Cristo News Santé n°7 - mai 2022

    Cristo New Santé - le Journal de la Faculté de Santé de l'UPEC Cristo News Santé n°7 - mai 2022

  9. Projet de thèse de l'ED SVS : IMRB - Equipe Lanone - EAD Fanen - Study of the regulation of the expression of the NKX2-1 gene and its involvement in abnormalities in surfactant metabolism

    Study of the regulation of the expression of the NKX2-1 gene and its involvement in abnormalities in surfactant Study of the regulation of the expression of the NKX2-1 gene and its involvement in abnormalities in surfactant


    L'école d'été de l'EUR-LIVE École Universitaire de Recherche se tiendra les jeudi 29 et vendredi 30 septembre obligatoire PROGRAMME INSCRIPTIONS PARTENAIRES CONTACT eur-live@u-pec.fr L'EUR-LIVE (École Universitaire de Recherche) organise son université d'été les jeudi 29 et vendredi EUR LIVE ÉCOLE D’ÉTÉ DE L’EUR-LIVE "VIEILLISSEMENT ET VULNÉRABILITÉ"